Trusting the process

James Wickham
Sep 15, 2022

Earlier this week I made a post about my son now walking to and from school, on his own.

Update: All is going well, and we can already see the spurts of more independence flourishing (good and bad).

We, as parents, never knew how it would be a couple of days in, but we trusted the process that we had done all we could, he said he was ready and the school stating the same.

You have to do that with colleagues too. Trust them to do the job. If they slip-up, fine, step-in and see if they need support. Don’t keep harrying them like Sybil and Basil!

Trust first. You never know what magic will happen!

PS I now have a vacancy for an NFL rant between 8:25–8:40 each Monday. Apply below in the comments :)

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James Wickham

A digital transformation practitioner, creative writer, consultant and an electronic music evangelist.