The customer experience: 25 years and we still haven’t got it?

James Wickham
1 min readAug 31, 2022

Or have we?

In 1997, Steve Jobs answered a question where he nailed the modern-day philosophy regarding customer experience, that this should be the starting point and technology if required, comes in at the end, only as an enabler.

It is one of the most shown videos on LinkedIn, so I won’t hit you with the link again.

But do you think organisations have got it?

There’s plenty of evidence that they have.

There is also plenty of evidence where they haven’t.

Alluding to a previous post, organisations still start too many times with the technology, build a solution and then think about the customer at the end. Then they realise “the customer doesn’t work” as it doesn’t fit in with their shiny solution.

Don’t get it wrong.

Start with the customer / resident, work your way back and get it right.

It will please a lot of people, including yourselves…



James Wickham

A digital transformation practitioner, creative writer, consultant and an electronic music evangelist.