How was your journey this morning?

James Wickham
1 min readAug 31, 2022

Did you have to go somewhere earlier today, maybe work or possibly a shop to grab a coffee? If not, imagine you did (it’s more fun that way!).

How did you get there?

Did you have to drive?



Public Transport?

A mixture of the above?

Were there any checkpoints e.g. buying a ticket, traffic lights, roadworks?

Okay, my point 😎.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, you want it to be smooth, efficient, frictionless and get you to that place in the way you want e.g. the quickest or the more scenic.

This is the journey you want to take people in a transformation when you are adopting new ways of working.

There will be checkpoints and barriers. But by identifying this upfront and building the capability to be reactive to an ‘accident’ that happens right in front of you, these are good ingredients for success.

Be prepared, be ready.



James Wickham

A digital transformation practitioner, creative writer, consultant and an electronic music evangelist.